SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Since it's the Bon vacation from August 11. We had a little luxury sake ✨ Hiran from Mori Sake Brewery in Hirado City, Nagasaki Prefecture. A limited edition unfiltered raw kijoshu from the Mori Sake Brewery in Hirado, Nagasaki Prefecture. Hiran's kijoshu is called "Reborn", but the brewing process is completely different. but the brewing process is completely different. The aroma is mild. When you put it in your mouth, it has a mild sweetness and a fruity acidity. It has a sweet taste, then a fruity acidity and umami flavor. The image of kijoshu has been completely overturned 🥹. This is delicious! Of course the sweetness is strong, but I drank it without any stale taste 💦. I was completely drunk 🥹. I was drunk, The sake cup is cute too, It took us 3 hours to go back and forth to the brewery, I would like to praise myself for doing a good job even if I only stayed for 5 minutes I would like to praise myself for doing a good job 😂. Thank you for the food 😋.