SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Senkinオーガニック ナチュール純米生酛原酒
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
Senkin Check-in 3Senkin Check-in 4
Today I was on a business trip to Osaka on the first flight 🚅. The weather was very nice and I was able to see the beautiful Mt. I always try to get a good shot over this aqueduct, but 90% of the time it is covered by the trusses of the bridge I am crossing in the foreground. Fuji always looks majestic and imposing. Now that you are tired after a day trip, let's have a glass of Natur. The rice polishing ratio is 90%! It is very full-bodied and has a superb balance of tanginess and acidity! It's an amazing sake! It certainly takes you back in time. I've never been back in time, but sake from the Edo period and long ago must have tasted like this. It is so because Mr. Sengoku says so. Ah, delicious 🤤🤤🤤🤤.