SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Nito純米 山田錦六十五純米原酒生酒
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Recently, the rule of alternating between in-prefecture and out-of-prefecture sake has been broken and we've been drinking in-prefecture sake. It's Futari. We had this sake once before, but we had a vague impression that it was sweet and delicious. This time, I hadn't had it for several years. Our impression is that it is thick. It has a very good aroma. It has a strong sweetness, but it also has a unique bitterness and astringency that makes it enjoyable. If I had started to drink sake from this sake, I might not have liked it, but from the point of view of an old man who is fed up with the recent trendy sake, this taste is worth repeating. Recently, I had the same impression about Niida Natural Sake. It is good for the cost. If you drink this and a light one alternately, it will be good. I think I will be attracted to this one.