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町田酒造特別純米55 五百万石 直汲み特別純米無濾過
町田酒造 Check-in 1町田酒造 Check-in 2
. I've been working late lately and haven't had much time during the week. I've been reading a lot of reviews on my way home from work on Fridays, and I've been buying the drinks I like on Saturdays and Sundays❣️. I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to say. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. 💠 Machida Shuzo💠 Special Junmai 55 Gohyakumangoku Direct Pumping I've been wanting to drink Machida Shuzo for a long time! I bought the light blue Gohyakumangoku and and the green Miyamanishiki🍀😆✨. I took this Gohyakumangoku gemstone first 💠🌾 The aroma is like ramune! When you put it in your mouth, you can feel the sharp sourness on your tongue! At the same time, it has a thick sweetness like a syrup! at the same time, a thick sweetness like syrup spreads juicy 😝. Although it is stimulating until the end but the aftertaste is surprisingly bitter and sweet. It's still delicious❣️ I can't wait to try Miyamanishiki 😍. #MachidaShuzo #Machida Sake Brewery #Sake from Gunma Prefecture
miccchi-san, good evening 🌃Excuse my comment 🌃🙇 Machida Shuzo is delicious, isn't it? I've seen it around here and there, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet... Holy cow, it looks delicious! I'll look for it tomorrow🚀.
Hello miccchi-san~! I've just bought a bottle of Machida-kun, and after some hesitation I decided to go with Jun Gin Yamadanishiki. My husband is a good friend.
Hi spkh ☺️Hello ☺️I see you got the Yamadanishiki 👍I had a hard time deciding, so I'm looking forward to your thoughts 😆.