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Shidaizumi山田錦 ふねしぼり普通酒原酒生酒槽しぼり
Shidaizumi Check-in 1Shidaizumi Check-in 2
The sake that shocked me! I've been buying a lot of sake that tastes like what's popular right now, and I've always hated the more robust types of sake, but this one was delicious. The specs are: ordinary sake, aluzoe, 19 degrees, unpasteurized, 100% Yamada Nishiki, 1,155 yen (I didn't know there was such a thing as unpasteurized ordinary sake...) Just by looking at the specs, I imagined it to be somewhat robust. I told the owner of the liquor store I went to for the first time (I couldn't go there because they seemed to have a lot of Doshiri) about the brands I've been drinking, and he recommended a type I've never had. The owner said it was a sake with a great flavor that made food taste even better. The aroma is slightly rice-like. There is no alcohol-like smell. The taste is so round that it's hard to believe it's 19 degrees, and you can taste the milled rice and the umami. It doesn't have any of that nasty taste that you get from regular sake sold at the supermarket at room temperature! I used to think that if it had acidity, it would be like wine. I used to think that if it had acidity, it would go well with food, just like wine, but now I think I understand that sake with umami can really make food taste better. It doesn't matter how sharp it is, it's delicious! I was advised to dilute it with boiling water to about 15 degrees, but it was thicker and tastier without diluting it. This is a sake to be drunk with food, not all at once.
It's really fun to sip it with food. You can enjoy this sake without thinking about the aroma or the acidity.