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Hanaharu旨くち 純米大吟醸 磨き50純米大吟醸
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Purchased at Aeon Liquor. Nice to meet you at Haruhana. Something about it, I didn't get caught in many searches on the internet except for Sake-no-wa. The taste is fruity! It is smooth and sweet, just like the name "Umakuchi". In a good sense, it is easy to drink like a juice. However, the lingering aftertaste is also pungent. The sharpness is good, and there is no unpleasant taste. Compared to recent drinks, it is sweeter than Koshino-Kanmei Kwaiswa. That is my impression. I am sure that Hanaharu's other brands that are not "umakuchi" would also be delicious! I can recommend this to women and sake beginners! It is perfect for sake veterans who want sweetness!