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まえちんKonkomikon, good evening 🌃😀😀 Congratulations on winning the national championship 🎉㊗️🎊Shime😚 in Miyazaki😚Sentoku I've never seen before😊good 🥳.
こんこんこここんThank you, Maecin: 👍️ Sentoku, some people may find it dull, but it is a standard sake and easy to drink: ‼️ Yamada-Nishiki is the one and only in an easy to understand sense ✨.
まーさんCongratulations to Konkkon Kokokon for winning the national championship 🎉. I drank Sentoku myself to win the national title 😊. I didn't know they also offer labels like this 😲. I'll keep checking back for more reviews 🤗.