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Yamakawa Mitsuo2022ふゆ純米大吟醸
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酒縁 しょう榮
I thought I might not be able to go to Tsuruoka by the end of this year. I thought I might not be able to drink sake from the Shonai area. I found it at Shoei-san! Yamakawa Mitsuo Winter It was even better than I expected! I'd be a fool if I said that! It was just as delicious as I had expected 🍶. We are looking forward to next year's version in 2023! extensive knowledge 2022 November 25th release Mitsuo Yamakawa, who has taken an interest in haiku, will travel around Japan this year reading famous (or lost?) haiku. This year, he will travel around Japan reading famous (or lost?) haiku. Mitsuo Yamakawa, the label's The theme of the 2022 project is "Haiku The fourth haiku, a tribute to the haikai poet Matsuo Basho, author of "Oku no hosomichi" (The Narrow Road to the Deep North), is "Yuki no fukuro or nagezukin (snow bags and throwing hoods for rice purchases)". Snow bags and throwing hoods to buy sake. Junmai Ginjo-shu brewed with Yamagata Prefecture's Izuwasanzu The brewery uses 100% contract-grown rice from the Kashiwagura-Monden area of Yamagata City, Yamagata Prefecture, and KA-1, a Yamagata yeast selected from Association No. 9 yeast.