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AramasaNo.6 U-type純米生酒
Aramasa Check-in 1
The original no.6 series created by Shinmasa Sake Brewery in collaboration with Space Brothers, which I didn't expect! Even though the application period was short, the magnification was already 3 times in the middle of the day, and I thought it would be impossible because I'm a non-fan club member, but I won the lottery for the one with a glass! 😭✨ It was a sparkling wine! It sounded super nice when I opened it and smelled good of rice. The taste is alive with the sweetness of the rice, and it is also imbued with the aroma of wood. It is an easy to drink and what a delicious sake, with a fine fizz that is stimulating the moment you put it in your mouth, but the sweetness and fresh flavor of the rice spreads in your mouth and leaves a clean aftertaste! It is a sake to be enjoyed as an accompaniment to tsukimi saké at night or while watching a movie after taking a bath, rather than during dinner! Since it was sweet enough, I just chomped down on some peanuts with the skin on, which were almost roasted without any additional saltiness, as a snack. After the kids went to bed, I watched Billy Wilder's "Hey! Kiss me!" and drinking happily and pleasantly from the Mutta glass I won: ❤️