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Ichinokura純米吟醸 生原酒 令和五年癸卯二月四日
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★★★★★ (Miyagi) Ichinokura Tachiharu Asa Shibori (draft) 720ml 1980 yen, cooled Ichinokura's sake is the pride of Miyagi Prefecture, and is the sake that marks the beginning of good things. This sake has been aged for six months after being pressed at the brewery. The taste of sake mellows as it matures. Please enjoy the craftsmanship of Miyagi's master brewer, Kadowaki Toji. [Analysis] AL degree: 16 degrees, Rice polishing ratio (Kake rice/Koji rice): 50%, 50%. Sake meter: -3 to -1 Acidity: 1.6 Rice used: Kuranohana Yeast: Honohana