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Asahitaka特選 低温貯蔵酒 6月〜11月限定酒本醸造
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Sake My Life
The aroma is discreet and has a clean fruity quality. The mouthfeel is soft, with just a hint of bubbles. It has what is called a mellow sweetness and a good sharpness. There is a slight sourness to the sharpness, but it comes from the alcohol combined with bitterness. It seems to have the umami that sake drinkers love, but the "umami" I mentioned in my last post has been broken down and expressed as above. I have been drinking a lot of junodai recently, so it has been difficult to pair it with fatty foods, but I would like to try this kind of punchy sake with sautéed pork. The description reads, "A mellow honjozo with a refreshing taste and full of rice flavor. This is indeed a refreshing sake, as one would expect from Jyushidai. This is a dish that makes you feel like you've had a great time. When the temperature rises to a certain degree, it comes into its own. The umami and lingering bitterness are different. And the sense of alcohol is gone. I can't deny the possibility that my taste buds have become stupid due to drunkenness, but I can't help but enjoy this dish. I want to match it with yakitori with sauce. Please try it.