Otters" is Japan's world-class sake, well-known throughout the world and admired by top chefs. All of the Otters are made from Yamada-Nishiki and brewed to Junmai-Daiginjo standards.
The ginjo aroma is reminiscent of melon, the taste is fruity and refreshingly sweet, and the umami of Yamada-Nishiki fills the mouth, creating a clear and beautiful sake with a highly polished finish.
The sake rice is Yamadanishiki, the rice polishing ratio is 39%, and the yeast is undisclosed.
Drink well chilled ✨.
I've always wanted to drink Otters one day 😆.
I opened it with my family at the end of the year.
The aroma before drinking is fruity like melon from the glass. I have high expectations even before drinking it 🤤.
It has a strong rice flavor with acidity and bitterness, which is characteristic of Yamada-Nishiki! The sweet aroma and taste also come in easily from the beginning 😋.
The sake seems to have become more delicate with polishing, resulting in a clear and refined taste 😆.
I paired it with Kani-suki. Goes best with 👍✨