SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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It has been a long time since I have had Okura Honke's sake. I had a strong impression of "DOLCE" before, but I was personally curious about "Nigorizake," which is a mizu-hashiroshi brewed sake, so I got it! When I opened the bottle and poured it, it had a soft and sweet rice aroma like amazake. The aroma is more subdued than that of "DOLCE", but it has a calming scent👍. The palate is dense and sweet like honey and caramel. There are interesting pear and peach flavors on the palate! It's perfect for drinking in a relaxed, dessert-like atmosphere. And the grainy texture of the rice makes me feel like I've had a peach... a gem that's both soft and impactful! 🍑 You are still producing interesting and unique sake. As a history buff, I'm looking forward to more of your fascinating sakes ✹.