<Slightly sweet, tender and soft.
The aroma is just a hint of soft sweetness of rice.
In the mouth, hmm? Water?
It is that clear. Then, the soft sweetness and umami of the rice spreads gradually. It is so gentle.
It disappears without any assertion. The taste is very gentle and light. But it is not at all insufficient. It's delicious.
Sake: Junmai Daiginjyo Nama-Nagara Sake
Ingredient rice: Koiomachi, Hachitan Nishiki
Polishing ratio: 50
Alcohol content: 15% ・・・ Normal
Sake meter degree: +2 ・・・ Slightly spicy
Acidity: 1.2 ・・・ low
Amino acidity: 1.1 ・・・ low
Yeast: Hiroshima Momiji Yeast
If I were to compare it to Ghibli, I would compare it to Dora from "The Witch's Delivery Service. She is the old woman who comes to buy the medicine Kiki's mother makes at the beginning of the film. She also appears in the ending when she reads Kiki's letter. She is a very kind old lady.
Satisfaction: ★★★★
*I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.