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For cheap and tasty drinks 🎵🍶. This time from Ibaraki Prefecture 🍶Raifuku Sake Brewery Co. Raifuku mashi-shu Alcohol content 15%. I found it about 2 years ago at a Seven-Eleven where they have a lot of Sake 💡I'm sure they had a lot of stock at that time and I put it off to buy it next time 😅I've always wanted to drink Raifuku Moromi Sake🎶I had given up on getting it again this year but I happened to find it at an expedition 💡. It was the last bottle 😃. It has just the right amount of sweetness, acidity, and freshness 😋😋The aroma is rough but not mushy, and it's not heavy, so you can drink it easily 🎵🍶1 bottle is very cheap at 2,365 yen ‼️ I'll buy it again when I see it again 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Swacafe😃. I like the Seven where they have a lot of sake 🍶🤗I wonder if it's the manager's intention🤔I'd like to visit Tsudanuma Seven in the holy land once 😄and Raifuku! I haven't tasted it yet😅I'll make it my next Ibaraki sake!