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Koshi no Happo越後の甘口純米
ChokkiEchino Hachiho Echigo sweet Junmai-shu, 4-step brewing, 15-16% 70%, 720ml, 1091 yen I often drink Echino Yatsuho as a regular sake at Beniton, a chain izakaya in my neighborhood, but this is the first time I have purchased it at a liquor store. Beniton's sake is a simple dry sake, but this bottle is "Echigo-no-sweet". The first sip gave the impression of a trendy flavor. It is slightly thickened and the sweetness of the four-step brewing process is recommended in a glass of wine. At -10, the value is also fairly sweet. I guess a dry one would suit my constitution better. It is a subsidiary of Ozeki since 1986. The low price is appreciated. Rating 3.6 (out of 5.0) 20230329