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Weekend ‾~! Cork open 🍶. No specs other than unfiltered...? When you open the bottle... the aroma is strong and sweet, like a fruit 🍎. And when you take a sip, you can feel its strong aroma and... rich sweetness✨. It has less bitterness in the aftertaste 😊. It also feels more like a sweet juice 🍹 than a sake 🍶. Machida's direct pumping tasted as good as or better than Takachiyo's...so I wondered if it would be similar...but it was completely different. But it was completely different. ❗️ I can't stop my desire for sake because it is so deep 🤪. Day 2 report: 🗒️ The sweetness has calmed down a bit ❓ The umami 🆙 has been improved, but the bitterness in the aftertaste has increased 😅. Considering the cospa...I guess the Kuhyo Masamune from the other day is the military version ❗️