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RyozekiR×W SPECIAL EDITION 2023BY純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Good evening, I actually opened the third bottle yesterday, but I failed to upload it 😅. Ryoseki RxW SPECIAL EDITION 2023BY✨ It's a collaboration with the same brewery as Hanayuup 🍶 The rice is Akita Sake Komachi. The sake rice is Akita Sake Komachi. It is a draft sake, but it has been left unused for a year and a half... 😓 Never mind, let's drink it. The aroma is sweet with a hint of white sugar, and the taste is soft, sweet, and delicious, just like Ryozeki. It is a home-aged sake made in the autumn season, so the richness and roundness are enhanced, and it is a delicious sweet sake to drink on occasion. Also, for the first time in years, I bought a bottle of Hanayu Aizan on impulse and I'm looking forward to it too ☺️