SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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This is the one I got as a souvenir. Hana-no-Mai, I only knew it from Izakaya. The aroma is a little floral, and there is a slight alcohol smell. It is described as dry, but when you put it in your mouth, the sweetness of the rice comes out in full force. The umami is strong, as indicated by the description "rich", but it is not a big bang, but rather a gentle umami that can be felt around the tongue. However, it is generally thin. And there is a slight sourness. It is delicious, but there is nothing like it! There is nothing that I can say "this is it". It is not a modern taste, but it is easy to drink. But it was given to me by someone who is not familiar with Japanese sake, so it was not well preserved. It is highly likely that the sake was left in the car, so I can't rate it.