SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kazenomori雄町 807
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It's the weekend! Let's reward ourselves for our hard work cleaning out the underfloor storage room, shall we? I crawled around under the floor in crawlspace and bagged two 45-liter bags of trash. I unearthed a bunch of new towels and decided to send them to a shelter for shelter dogs, although I had a hard time deciding where to send them. We cautiously opened the bottle, being careful not to hit the ceiling. When you're that well prepared, you don't explode, and I miss that. The aroma is white peach? Banana? Sweetness, acidity, and drinkability are all to my liking. I hear that Burgundy is a suitable drinking vessel. Let's change to your favorite wine glass. The sake brewery was established in 1979. Nara is said to be the "birthplace of sake in Japan. During the Muromachi period (1336-1573), sake was one of the means of raising funds for the management of large temples. The sake is made from 80% Omachi polished rice and fermented at ultra-low temperature for a long period of time. Oops! It suddenly became dark and thunderous outside. Chance to be exempted from dog walking. No, life with the dog is my happiness. Too bad, dog.