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Amanoto天黒 黒麹仕込み純米酒純米
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酒丸 市民市場店
A guest from Sendai drank one of these. I wanted to drink it too, but unfortunately there were none left, so I could only take a commemorative photo. Rare black malted rice sake! Let's keep it in our memory! extensive knowledge Asamai Shuzo's exchange with the Oumi Shuzo (shochu brewery) in Kagoshima Prefecture led to the challenge of trying out the application of black koji, a method still unknown in the sake industry, to sake brewing. Black koji is basically a malt fungus used for shochu, which produces a lot of citric acid, thereby inhibiting the growth of miscellaneous bacteria. Therefore, it was suitable for making shochu made in tropical countries. Rice:Hoshiakari Rice polishing ratio:60 Yeast used: In-house yeast Sake degree: -8.0 Acidity: Not disclosed Alcohol content: 16