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The second Yoshino restaurant is Kitamura Sake Brewery in Shojo. It is a junmai ginjo unfiltered raw sake, Zendo Oni, made from Gohyakumangoku (five hundred million stone). There are various types of the same sake, some freshly pressed, some left to mature for a year, etc. The brewer who helped us said that the freshly pressed sake was not yet ready to drink. The brewer who helped me recommended the freshly pressed one, as it was not yet cohesive, and the one that had been aged for a year or two was better, but since there were none in stock, I went with the freshly pressed one. The aroma is sweet, with a hint of rice and vanilla. It is sweet and tasty in the mouth, but spicy - maybe because it is 17 degrees. But if you keep drinking it, you can feel the sweetness well. Yum ✨ I imagined duck would go well with it, but duck is not quite right. Cream cheese goes well with it. The octopus sashimi is also very tasty 😋.