From Ayagiku Shuzo, Kagawa Prefecture...
Ayagiku Ginjo-Genjo-Harazake
This ginjo-genshu is brewed with 100% Kagawa sake rice "Oceto", and has a cool summery appearance!
It has an elegant and gorgeous ginjo aroma and a smooth, slightly dry mouthfeel!
The full-bodied rice flavor that can only be found in sake in its purest form.
The acidity is firm, which is typical of "Ayagiku", and the finish is very crisp.
If you feel it is a little too strong, you can drink it on the rocks.
It goes well with white fish sashimi, carpaccio, grilled fish, boiled vegetables, and other dishes that make the most of the ingredients.
Rice used: ・・・・・ 100% Ouseto from Kagawa Prefecture
Polishing ratio・・・・55
Sake degree・・・・+2.0 (slightly dry)
Alcohol content・17度