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HiranHIRAN 彩道 SAIDO生酛原酒
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Opened a bottle of my favorite brand "Hiran" Saido! 🤩. The ginjo aroma and fruity flavor are relatively subdued, but the mouthfeel has a good balance of acidity and umami, with a hint of spiciness 😋. It is not a lemon squash 🍋 like Heaven, but it can be drunk on its own or with food 🍸. Asahiran is completely different after the taste change on the second day last time! I was surprised in a good way by how dramatic it was, like the sake of the first day... so I'm looking forward to the taste change after tomorrow...:*+. \(( °ω° ))/. :+. Day 2 report: 🗒️ The aroma is almost unchanged: ☺️ Lemon🍋 feeling in the first sip added⬆️ Slight increase in flavor sensation ️. Slightly more refreshing aftertaste 😍 If you are not careful....this one will go quickly! If you are a drinker...be careful! LOL😆