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Kinryo無濾過純米吟醸 生原酒純米吟醸原酒無濾過
alt 1
Kinryo Unfiltered Junmai Ginjyo Nama-Nagara Sake Alcoholicity 17-18, Sake degree -2.0, Acidity 1.4, Rice polishing 58 Body condition 0 Rice: Akigeshiki #Open date unknown Sake pressed in early spring and stored in -5° bottle enclosure for a certain period of time. The rice used to make this sake is Akigeshiki, which is a high-quality rice (hanmai: rice for eating). This time, we compared two Kinryo sakes. It has a sweet aroma. It has a sweet aroma, a strong flavor, and a mellow impression. It has a mild taste. While there is sweetness and umami, this high alcohol content gives the impression of a solid drinking experience. There is a lingering but smooth and gentle aftertaste. For date appropriate record 2024 sake, out drinking, 96th glass (misc. count)