SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Ichijima-cho, Tamba, Hyogo Prefecture. You almost never see this sake in the Kobe area, where I live. On the way to my parents' house in Fukui, I stopped by a roadside station in Tamba (Grandma's Village - right next to the Kasuga Interchange on the Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway) and bought some. It has a slightly smoky aroma that is different from that of hinekoso. When you put it in your mouth, you will be surprised by the sharp aroma of alcohol and the pungent taste with umami that wells up in your mouth. The aftertaste disappears quickly and easily. It is delicious. How about when it is heated up? The spiciness rises, but it is quite mild and the flavor is quite bland. I prefer it at room temperature. I bought a lot of sake in Fukui. I am looking forward to it.