SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Nito純米吟醸 備前雄町 五十五純米吟醸原酒生酒おりがらみ
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A quick review of the 2nd Annual All Japan Sake Brewery Talks and Sake Party @ Kyoto Miyako Messe. Almost there! Ni-Rabbit by Maruishi Brewery (Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture). We didn't have enough time to drink most of it🥲. Among them, here is the one I already drank as my list 💁. It was bottled directly drawn light nigori sake brewed at 55% Omachi rice polishing ratio. It has all the elements I like already! The aroma has a straight fruity sweetness like candy, with a lees-derived rice and sake lees feel to it that is intoxicating. When you drink it, you are tickled by a slight gaseous sensation because it is directly pumped, and it has a soft and gentle round texture that is typical of light nigori. The attack has a deep sweetness reminiscent of fruit candy. From there, the acidity is combined with the lees flavor, and the wine finishes smoothly and softly. Oh, this dark sweetness with a fruit candy feel. ☺️ I still like Ni-Rabbit too! Delicious ☺️