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Bunpuku純米酒 直汲み生原酒
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Start with a cold sake. Almost no aroma. However, when you drink it, it is more modern than expected. The spiciness comes rather quickly with a citrusy taste like orange, and the bitterness gradually fades away. Warmed at 45℃. The rice flavor comes out and there is no fruitiness. It also becomes spicier and finishes quickly. This one is more in line with our prior image. The bitterness is almost gone, and even when the temperature is raised to 50°C or 60°C, there is no significant change. It is still a strong sake. My preliminary image of the brand was that it would be very classic and heavy, and since it is a nama sake, I thought it would be classic, if not that classic. It is also classic when heated (not that heavy). (It's not that heavy, but it gives the impression of being a refreshing Gunma-style sake). It is a strong sake, just as I imagined it would be, and both cold and warmed sake have their own qualities, but I prefer it heated.