From Kawatsuru Shuzo in Kagawa Prefecture...
Kawatsuru Junmai Limited Nao Kumi Unfiltered Nama Sake
This is a limited, direct-drafted, non-filtered, unadulterated pure rice sake made from 100% Kagawa sake rice, "Oceto"!
It has a cool, refreshing aroma and a clear, crisp taste on the palate with a rich umami flavor typical of "Oceto"!
It has a clear sweetness, a light, slightly carbonated taste that comes sizzling on the tongue, and a fresh, mellow flavor that is typical of the nama sake and somewhat reminiscent of ramune (Japanese sweetened soda).
Fresh acidity, a pleasant bitterness reminiscent of citrus fruits, and a clean finish, so you will never get tired of drinking it.
Ingredient rice: ・・・・ 100% Ooseto from Kagawa Prefecture
Rice polishing ratio: 65
Sake degree - +1.0 (normal)
Acidity: ・・・・・1.8
Alcohol content・・・16度