On Sake Day.
A call from a junior colleague who changed jobs.
He said he was at the Hasegawa Sake Shop in Tokyo Station.
He wants me to choose a sake to bring to his friend who lives in Tohoku and likes clean and refreshing sake.
I don't know the lineup.
Just bring Tenbi, it's good. You can't go wrong.
I saved the Flax Cat Sparkling for a special occasion.
Sake Day is a special day for sake drinkers, and it's a good day.
Opening the bottle...was a challenge.
The bubbles are strong. Juwa juwa juwa juwa.
It is more energetic than before.
Acidity from the white koji.
Beautiful sweetness. Milky mellowness.
It doesn't taste bland.
It smells a little like wood.
It is very delicious.
I can share it with my wife.
It would have been a good pairing even if I had prepared some fine fruit to make it more attractive.
As it turned out, Tenbi was a big hit.
He gave me a nice tasting comment about the slightly carbonated grape juice.
Good, good, good.