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Emishiki612 INTENSE もも 2023BY純米
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Tonight, it's been quite a while since I've been to this brewery 💁. Laughing Shiki 612 INTENSE Momo 2023BY🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑 Sake made with yeast No. 6 x. Watanosen No.2 Sake 🍶🍑🍑🍑. The aroma is not flashy because it is a No. 6 yeast, and there is a faint aroma of peach, but when you put it in your mouth, the juicy peach flavor comes with a bang, just like the label says. However, the bitter and spicy aftertaste, perhaps due to the characteristics of Watabune No. 2, is refreshing, and you find yourself pouring more and more cups. I'd like to try the other one, butou🍇🙌