SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
AramasaAramasa No.6 A-type Spark】新政頒布会 2023 第2弾純米生酛生酒おりがらみ発泡
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酒丸 市民市場店
Last visit to Akita this year This time, I made a reservation at Sake-Maru. The last time I visited this restaurant, I forgot my bag, so I called them early in the morning to thank them for taking the trouble to deliver it to my hotel. The restaurant is that restaurant with only a counter! The owner greeted me with a smile. He asked me where I would like to start, and I told him I would like to start with sake. Here it comes, Niimasa! A sparkling sake I had once in Fukuoka this year! Umashuwa! I drank it all in one gulp! The food was just as plentiful as last time. extensive knowledge We aimed for a very refreshing finish with the second fermentation in the bottle style, which is our specialty. The "No.6″ series is all unpasteurized sake. Since it is not heated, enzymes mainly from the koji remain in the sake, and this allows the flavor and aroma to change rapidly even during refrigerated storage. In particular, the saccharification enzyme makes it sweeter and drier, and the oxidizing enzyme gives it a noticeable grassy aroma (isovaleraldehyde). For this reason, the "No. 6″ series is intended to be consumed within 3 months of shipment from our warehouse. Rice: Modified Nobukou Type: Nama-shu Rice polishing ratio: 66 Alcohol content: 13%.