February is also the month of 🐶labels!
This time we have an adorable puppy with a smile on his face...!
When the bottle is opened and poured, it has a gentle and bright aroma of melon and pear.
The mouthfeel is light and cool, typical of Akagisan.
The taste has a freshness that is typical of unfiltered sake, with a punch of spiciness and astringency. The full flavor with a sense of rice and gorgeous fruity overtones come out from the transparency as if spreading out.
It has a freshness with a little gas, so it is a delicious combination of lightness and mellowness!
It has a nice dry astringent sharpness and is not too heavy for an unfiltered draft, so it goes down smoothly ✨.
This bottle is also the actual New Year's pressing. The taste is different every year, so we are looking forward to next year!