SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
初日の出新酒 今朝しぼり純米吟醸生酒
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Risshun Asashibori" is a time-consuming new sake that requires meticulous attention to unrefined fermentation in order to achieve the best sake quality on February 4, which is the first day of spring if this year. All employees work together from midnight on the day of Risshun to squeeze, bottle, label, and ship the sake on that day, which is a traditional event. The best way to drink sake is to drink it on that day. I will drink a lot of sake now. (My opinion after drinking it) This is freshly pressed new sake from the Haneda Sake Brewery in Kitayama, Kyoto. When the bottle is opened, it has a rich ginjo aroma that is typical of new sake. When you put it in your mouth, you can taste the full flavor of rice and the fruity aftertaste lingers in your throat. The taste is quite strong. It is a slightly dangerous sake that you can't stop drinking. It is a sake full of flavor with just the right balance of acidity and sweetness. It is characterized by a slightly sweet, full-bodied taste that is typical of Kyoto sake.
nice statement!i cannot wait to get one and try!