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Kota Check-in 1Kota Check-in 2
We received a 500ml bottle as a gift from Furusato and drank a glass. The color is slightly hazy but almost transparent, and the texture is slightly thickened with a gorgeous ginjo aroma. In the mouth, a very gorgeous aroma with a good c/e ratio spreads out, and combined with a moderate sweetness, it has a juicy flavor. At the same time, it has a spiciness and sake-like character, and because it is only 35 polished, it has no cloying taste and is very crisp for its gorgeousness. The good ginjo aroma may be the result of the 35-polished, ultra-soft water, low-temperature fermentation, and the yeast (No. 901 or No. 1801) showing its advantages. Overall, the impression is of a sweet, spicy, fruity, modern sake with a leading presence. It is consistently very tasty, and one never gets tired of it, no matter how many times one drinks it. Again, I would like to enjoy the changes in flavor over time and with changes in temperature. Rice used: 100% Yamadanishiki from Tango, 35% polished Strength: 17%. Production: June 2023