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Masaaki SapporoMasaaki Sapporo
玉出泉TAMA 純米純米
玉出泉 Check-in 1玉出泉 Check-in 2
玉出泉 Check-in 3玉出泉 Check-in 4
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (Wife 8.5 points) Sake Brewer : Ohga Shuzo, Chikushino City, Fukuoka Prefecture (Fukuoka Prefecture's oldest brewery) Rice : Yamadanishiki produced in Fukuoka Prefecture Rice polishing ratio : 60 Alcohol percentage : 16 Sake Degree : Undisclosed Acidity : Not disclosed A gift from a friend in Fukuoka who came to Fukuoka Airport to see me off (purchased at Todoroki Sake Shop). Slightly melon-like finish The same subdued, fruity aroma as the first sip, with a hint of vanilla and a hint of azuki beans, soft sweetness and umami of rice spreading with a refreshing acidity, and finishing gently with a hint of bitterness and a slight spiciness from the alcohol. Elegant and well-balanced, it is easy to pair with meals, and is also delicious on its own. My friend's nickname is Tama-chan and his wife's maiden name is Izumi, so he chose this sake as a pun. It went well with Italian-style grilled salmon with foil, stewed sweet potato, chilled tofu, and squid cod roe.