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Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 夏酒 七星 無濾過生原酒 出羽の里純米大吟醸原酒無濾過
Glorious Mt.Fuji Check-in 1
Alcohol content: 16.8 Rice:Yamagata Prefecture, Izuwanosato Rice Polishing Ratio: 50 Sake meter: -12 Acidity: 1.6 This was the MVP of the day. It was the most delicious! How could it not be delicious when it is unfiltered raw sake? ...... It has a fruity feel, but it is also heavy, so you want to savor it slowly. You can feel a slight effervescence. I want to drink it at home. I might buy it ....... It is a limited edition, so in that case, please make your decision as soon as possible. ...... At Fujiki Shoten in Ikebukuro.