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Kazenomori Check-in 1
Kazenomori Check-in 2Kazenomori Check-in 3
This is Kaze no Mori Akitsuho 657 from Aburanaga Sake Brewery in Gosho City, Nara Prefecture. Kaze no Mori is a sake that I personally have a deep attachment to, as it is the sake that got me hooked on sake again. Kaze no Mori is unfiltered and unpasteurized, and is made from 100% contract-grown rice from Nara Prefecture. This is the most standard type brewed with Akitsuho rice polished down to 65% and brewed with No. 7 yeast. The rice is polished down to 65% in order to take advantage of the complex flavor of the rice, but the ginjo-style brewing process is based on long-term low-temperature fermentation, and the super-hard brewing water is also characteristic. The slight effervescence and shriveled taste is also a characteristic of Kaze no Mori. Once the gas is released, the inherently complex taste becomes more palatable, but I love it with the slight effervescence! The aroma is fruity with a gorgeous ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel is light, with a gentle burst of slight bubbles, and the fruity flavor is a complex harmony of sweetness, acidity, and umami. The complexity of the flavor can be felt more when the temperature is raised by rolling it around in the mouth, and the fruity overtone is pleasant to the nose. Even if you take into account the thought correction, it is still extremely tasty! I would definitely recommend everyone to try the different types! Thank you very much.