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kamosu mori特別純米原酒生酒袋吊り
Mochida MasatoshiSake from Tsunan Town, Nakauonuma County, Niigata Prefecture. Sake in sizes you don't often buy. #labelbuy Just like the refreshing label. Freshness, acidity, sweetness... Citrusy and messy Just like a forest Easy drinking balance According to the information from the brewer One-stage brewing, unpasteurized sake, pressed in a bag. Normally, it is made in three stages: soe, naka, and tome. But because it is made in one stage It is not suitable for mass production. It is not suitable for mass production. It has a low alcohol content of 14%. Easy to drink! I'll be repeating! #JapaneseSake #Naba Sake Brewery #Nama sake #Josu Mori #Nama Genshu #Junmai Ginjo #drinking tag rum #Drinkstagram #JunmaiGinjo #RawSake #NaebaShuzo #Nihonshu #Sake #StayHome #Enjoy the change! #Delicious even when ripe