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I purchased a four-pack bottle and drank a cup with an inokuchi. The texture is light, the color is clear, and the fragrance is subdued, but it has a subtle sake-like aroma. In the mouth, the fruity ginjo aroma spreads quickly, and the sweetness and umami of the rice can be felt. It has a faintly amazake-like flavor. It has a mellow mouthfeel and a clean and refreshing aftertaste. The overall impression is of a modern amazake. Because it is twice-heated, it is a bit more subdued than the standard Romain, but it has a flavor that is typical of Romain and is very delicious. Next time, I would like to try the Junmai Daiginjo. Rice : Aizu rice Rice polishing: 55%. Water :Takashimizu + Jizosawa water source Yeast: Utsukushima Yume Yeast Process : 4-stage brewing with glutinous rice Strength : 15 Production: April 2023