SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Shusen Eiko特別大吟醸 金賞受賞酒大吟醸
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September 5, 2023 A party at home. The second bottle of sake was prepared by Shusen, a Japanese sake brewer. The second bottle was a bottle of Shusen The second bottle was a special Daiginjo Gold Award-winning sake. The second bottle was a special Daiginjo Gold Award-winning sake from the local brewery Eiko. The second bottle is a special Daiginjo Gold Award-winning sake from Eikoh Shuzo, the brewery most familiar to us in our hometown. The second bottle was a special Daiginjo Gold Award-winning sake from Eikoh Shuzo, the most familiar local brewery. The second bottle is a special Daiginjo Gold Medal-winning sake from Eiko Brewery, the most familiar local sake brewery. It was the 13th gold medal winner at the National New Sake Competition (held in 2023) for five consecutive years, It was the 13th time it won the gold medal at the National New Sake Competition in 2023. It has a slightly The sake has a slightly thickened impression and It has a slightly thickened texture and releases a gorgeous ginjo aroma. The official online The official online store describes it as "light and dry," but it has a fine sweetness, umami, and alcohol content. but it has a fine sweetness, umami, and alcohol It is unexpectedly rich in flavor. The alcohol tang is gone by the third day after opening the bottle, and the corners have been removed. The taste is like a mellow sugar water. It tastes like a mellow sugar water. It is a beautiful sake that should be drunk slowly and on its own. It is a beautiful sake that should be drunk slowly and carefully on its own.