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Arisu Shuzo Sake rice: 100% of 5 million koku produced in Toyama Yeast:KArg1401 urea non-production Fine rice 70%, alcohol strength 17°. Japaneseness +3, acidity 1.7 Clarity in appearance, color: slightly mountain-blown Viscosity: slightly lower Strength of aroma: weak Complexity: simple Ginjo aroma: slight hami melon, rice yeast, carbonic acidity, and Flavor intensity: Medium Complexity: Medium Sweetness: medium to slightly pungent Sweetness: Cantaloupe Sourness: Carbonic acid Bitterness: Carbonic acid Aftertaste: Shiitake Other: slightly pungent, not too sweet, green cantaloupe aroma in the mouth, carbonated salty bitterness slightly hard but clean and clear, with a clear and powerful bouquet and a clean, simple and hard finish. Aftertaste: low Finish: short 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐️