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kurowashi超限定品 鷲の尾 純米 火入 黒鷲 中辛口純米
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いざか家 花太郎
While we were having a great time at the restaurant, another customer shared some Lucky Pierrot sweets that he had brought for the waiter! As a token of our appreciation, we opened a bottle of this sake that a friend of ours had brought with him and let's all drink it together! This sake is from Iwate Prefecture and is only sold at Sakamoto Sake Brewery! It was a delicious sake with a solid and dignified flavor made from a traditional sake yeast yeast yeast yeast. He brought it to me as a return gift for Kaygetsu, a present I had sent to a friend of mine the other day! I was able to take the rest of the sake home with me as a gift! Thank you very much 😊. extensive knowledge Product name Kurowashi Specific name Junmai-shu Rice: Hitomebore Rice polishing ratio 70%. Alcohol content 15.5°. Product Description This is our original Junmai-shu. The weight is increased by using a traditional sake yeast yeast yeast structure, and the spiciness, astringency, and acidity are pursued. It is the ultimate food sake that can be served cold to hot.