SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
老松御免酒 純米吟醸
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture. Itami is the birthplace of sake (there are various theories). There is no shortage of anecdotes about this kind of sake in Hyogo. Although it is called Junmai Ginjo, it has a thick yogurt-like flavor in the mouth. The sweetness and spiciness rise, spread, and disappear with a crispness. However, the elegant pungent taste remains, trailing behind. This is delicious. I can't stop eating it. What if I heat it up? The sweetness and spiciness rise, and the aftertaste becomes more crisp. However, it is better to enjoy the refreshing richness. If you think about it, it is better to drink it cold. I thought the year had just started, but it's already the end of February. The days of being too cold to get up are almost over, right?