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AramasaNO.6 A-type 2023 生酒純米原酒生酒
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! 😃 Today was another cloudy and sometimes sunny day here on the coast of Iwate Prefecture. Something is already going on, the weather has been so stable that I am sorry to those in Yamaguchi and Shizuoka. Perhaps there will be quite a strong rebound. 😱. Well, I drank a lot of things last week, but for some reason, I was wondering how it would be on a day when there is nothing to drink, but when it comes to a dinner of sashimi and grilled eggplant, I want to drink something good (laughs). Drink quickly! I took out a bottle of Shinsei, which was placed in the most visible part of the fridge. My wife says "what day is it today? 😅" I replied, "It's the day I want to drink Shinsei! I replied, "What's that? 😁 and she laughs at me and toasts! 👍 Oh, the sourness goes straight to the back of my throat, very nice! It's so wonderful that it goes through the mouth in a straight line rather than spreading through the mouth! Soft and easy to drink, yet with a very nice balance of its own! 👍 My wife also tipped her sake with satisfaction. It was very delicious! 😁