SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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What do you think of Aichi Prefecture's sake? The most famous is probably Kuheiji. But this time, I would like to introduce another famous sake, Shikishima! This is another sake that I have wanted to try for a long time. It was featured in a sake special in a certain magazine. So I opened the bottle. The first aroma is a slightly strong apple-like ginjo aroma that spreads softly. In the mouth, the acidity and sweetness spread quickly and sharply, but the balance is very good and it finishes crisp and clear. A lingering, slightly astringent taste lingers in the second half, but this stimulates the desire for the next cup. Today we are enjoying it with yakitori (grilled chicken), and it seems to go well with the yakitori sauce, which refreshes the palate when the oil is left behind. This may indeed be optimized as a food sake. There seem to be many kinds of shikishima, so I would like to try another flavor if I have a chance. Thank you for the food!