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菊の里夢ささら おりがらみ純米吟醸原酒生酒おりがらみ
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Today's sake is also from Tochigi Prefecture! Ona's "Kikunosato" is a limited edition brand of the Japan Famous Sake Association! Refreshing aroma of lychee, pear and sake spirit. There's quite a bit of gasiness. Light on the palate. Sweetness is moderate and refreshing. Juicy and easy to drink Slightly astringent and bitter at the end to tighten up the whole experience, It leaves a freshness in the mouth reminiscent of grapefruit. Good, but the depth of sweetness seems a little monotonous I feel it lacks a little bit of flavor. Personally, I'd like to see more richness. After the second day, the taste becomes deeper and more intense. Very, very tasty!