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Mimurosugiろまんシリーズ 純米吟醸 雄町 ひやおろし純米吟醸
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Mimuro Sugi no Romance Series Omachi: ❗️ Hats off to you.... When you open the bottle, it has a fruity ginjo aroma, and when you take a sip, the umami and sweetness do not betray you... 😆. No matter which brewery brews Omachi, the umami comes through slowly 😌. Not only does it let you enjoy the umami and sweetness from the first sip, but it also disappears slowly, leaving a lingering aftertaste.... It is delicious with almost no bitterness.... That's all I can say to describe the taste... 😍 I would like to have it for breakfast every day instead of rice 🤭. The raw material is rice, so it's 'ant' ⁉️ lol The second day of the regular ❗️ The ginjo aroma✨ and sweetness didn't change much, but the umami increased a little ❓🤩. This sake is the best solution for before and after dinner 🍶.