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Shikun純米吟醸 紺ラベル 無濾過原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Purchased at Yamacho Umeda store during a recent expedition to Osaka I have been looking for it for more than 2 years. I finally got it. The rice used is Tamaei from Tottori Prefecture. The brewing process is based on yeast No. 6 and lactobacillus acidophilus. The first sip had more alcohol than expected, and the acidity was also more pronounced. The taste was mizu-hashimoto-like, robust and strong. The finish is clean and crisp, making it surprisingly easy to drink. As the day goes by, the acidity settles down and the sweetness or rice flavor increases. As expected, it's quite a maniacal sake and good! I would like to try the other labels, though they are hard to find because there are only a few stores that carry them❣️.
Good morning, Sana D. 😃 I see you went to the Yamacho Umeda store! I have only seen Konohun here myself. They seem to have different kinds but only have navy blue labels 😅I wonder if I have to go to the warehouse to buy the others 🤔.
Hello bouken❗️ I stop by Yamacho's every time I go on a business trip, and this time I was able to buy it at the right time. When I went to Yonago, there were no stores that carried this one, even though we are in the same prefecture. It is a fantastic sake for me.