SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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一本義 仙介🇺🇦
This sake is from Fukui City, Fukui Prefecture. I went to the brewery and bought it on my return trip in August. As expected of a ginjo, it has an elegant aroma. The color is quite dark. The color is quite dark, but the sweetness is moderate and the taste is quite dry. When you take a sip, you first get a sour taste with a strawberry aroma. Then, the ginjo aroma of the main body and spiciness follow quickly. Strawberry aroma and sourness, quite nice! How about when it is heated up? The deep sweetness and acidity create a thick foundation, while the spiciness is sharp and not overshadowed by the sweetness. As the temperature drops, the acidity and sweetness stand up, harmonize, and become a powerful flavor. This flavor is best served warm. Only one more brewery remains in the tour of Fukui breweries. Reach! Reach! The remaining brewery's sake is from a liquor store near my house, so I'll complete the tour next week or the week after that!